Learning to Cope with a Stoma

If you are new to the whole world of ostomy care then there is a whole lot to learn.  From the time you find out you are going to go through a surgery it can be hard.  Many people are actually happy because it is truly helping their health, but there is always the ramifications of surgery. Coping with a whole new style of life can be complicated, but it is even worse in your mind then it is in real life.  That is the struggle that many go through not only early on, but for some people this mental struggle comes later.  My only goal is to let you know taht it is ok to feel the struggle.  The pain and fear of not being the same again or not feeling as pretty as before is real and ok.  Now I know it is hard to hear, but in reality life really does get back to normal. I want to let you know that anything is still possible and that even though you have an osotomy bag, you are still the same.


It was truly the bag that scared me the most.  The idea of having a bag that could be seen by everyone was a struggle to me.  I was simply afraid that everyone would see it and I would never be able to be free of the look.  But I was ver much wrong.  In fact almost no one knows that I even have a stoma and that is because of fantastic gear and recomendations from thousands of people who are willing and happy to help.


See I like to think of have a stoma as a part of my life I have already had for years. I am a big fan of concealed carry.  In fact I conclied carry a sidearm every single day.  The principles for being discreet are the same as having an ostomy bag.  The goal is to not print and that can be done with propper fitment and placement.  The ability to have the best gear is part of the answer to keeping your ostomy bag hidden.  But it is not simply the best, but the best for you.  We all have different body types so what can work for one person wont work for another.  The same goes for concealed carry as well. My body type does not allow for appendix carry at all. It is never comfortable and never work when I sit.  Apendix carry is the most popular form of carrying in 2020 and it is not for me.  That is ok too!  That is simply due to my size and body type.  But the same goes for an ostomy set up.  Make sure what is popular actually works for you.


I get advice from lots of different areas on what is available.  I love talking to pharmacists whenever I can on what is new and what they are hearing works the best and where.  Those conversations and also following people on social media have given me lots of ideas and also let me know not to try some things.  But take it all with a small grain of salt, because remember, we are all differet.  Still I love to learn and also to get better at my own setup.  I now go without anyone knowing I have a stoma and it is more comfortable to me because I am so strapped up.

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