
So you just found out you have to have an ostomy.  It's going to come with a stoma and you are starting to worry about how you are going to live.  What will change, can I do this, can I go on vacation. Will I be the awkward person at all the future parties I attend.  These are all good concerns and worries to have, but let's be realistic and break down what it's like to really live with an ostomy. Let's talk a little bit about travel and how it shouldn't be affected by having an ostomy.  A little bit of planning shouldn't hurt to be safe.  Yes, it may be too soon to talk of travel with the COVID-19 pandemic, but if you just found out about your ostomy, I bet you are still wanting to get out for vacation. I guess since the gas prices are so low a driving vacation in the future might not be a bad idea either.

So if you are going to be flying and are going to be screened remember that you have the right to request a private screening.  There is no need that you must be searched or show you ostomy/stoma in public if you do not wish it. According to the TSA you do not have to empty your ostomy to be searched either. Although they do have the right to pat it down for explosives.

If you have items that need to be cut or sized say your ostomy Supplies, make sure to cut them ahead of time.  You can bring small scissors on a plain, but just to save the hassle a little bit of pre work can go a long way.

In general it is good to be extra prepared. For my carry on I bring enough supplies to get through a day or two just incase my suitcase does not land with me.  So bring extra clothes and maybe three days of your ostomy Supplies to be safe.  Nothing is worse then being caught off guard and unprepared.  It costs you time and maybe even lots of money getting refilled with ostomy supplies that you are not used to or don’t work as well. If you are traveling by car don’t be stingy.  Take the time to stop at those rest stops, because depending on traffic and destination you don’t know when the next one will be.  Yes, phones are great and help so much now for travel, but better to be safe than sorry.  Happy Travels!

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